Sunday, December 11, 2011

Every Women Deserves

So, I've been away failing at my challenge. More on that later. 

Right now, I just have to address a phenomenon that is hitting Facebook by storm. It usually goes like this:

"Every woman deserves a man who calls her baby, kisses her like he means it, holds her like he never wants to let her go, doesn't cheat or lie, Wipes her tears when she cries, doesn't make her jealous of other women, instead makes other women jealous of her, is not scared to let his friends know how he really feels about her, and lets her know how much he really loves her. Re- post if you agree"

Now, of course, this should immediately go on to 15 Things White Girls Love To Do On Facebook. But we have deeper issues to address here. In fact, I will address it straight to the source.

No, white girl on Faceplace, I will not re-post your thing. The fundamentals of your assertion are wrong. First of all, not every woman deserves this. Some women are awful people who punch children and cheat on their taxes. Some woman are perfectly normal but don't want any of this. Some women think this is nice, but would rather have a glass of wine, or a nice Kia Sorento, or a puppy, or whatever it is that women want nowadays.

But even deeper than that, I want to Inception the real dilemma in this statement. What in hell makes you worthy to have such a person in your life? This doesn't just happen. To wait around waiting to win happiness like it's some kind of lottery is the definition of delusion. You are not Carrie Bradshaw (yes, I know who that is). There is not Carrie Bradshaw. She is just a made up mascot. You, being a real person, must earn it. A good person in your life with is a result of a few things:

-Not allowing people to treat you like crap.
-Working on your own attitude/personal health/mental well being
-Actually going after the things on your wishlist
-Realizing that the other person you desire is not a fucking accessory, but a living and breathing human being with their own wants and desires.
Yeah, sure, luck is a bit of a factor. But I'm the kind of man who believes that you manufacture the luck you get. This goes both ways, so I don't want to see guys start whining about "Finding Cool Chicks" on the Faceplace either. 
Oh, and it's also a lot of work to get to that point, so be prepared to put in the time. You might want to ask yourself how much you really want it. If not, then I would post something different. Something like:
"Most people deserve what they earn."

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